The Jewish Museum and Archives of British Columbia hosts an exhibit based on Southern Alberta Jewish life.
"A Joyful Harvest : Celebrating the Jewish Contribution to Southern Alberta Life, 1889-2005" opens with a reception from 7-9pm, Thursday, August 5.
From 7.30pm, there will be three guest speakers:
-- Maxine Fischbein and Gary Averbach, both of the Jewish Historical Society of Southern Alberta, and
-- Dr. Moira Stilwell, MLA Vancouver-Langara
From their start as homesteaders and small business owners, Jewish immigrants have made their mark on Alberta society.
The exhibit's title is based on a line in Psalm 126: “Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.” It is sung on festive occasions before the Grace after meals, and applicable to Alberta's Jewish immigrant experience.
The event will be held in the Sidney & Gertrude Zack Gallery Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver. Refreshments will be served.
The exhibit will run through August 31.
Here's a head's-up on archives workshop at the archives and museum - "Caring for your family photographs" - set for Sunday, September 26, from 2-4pm. The cost is $25 per person. Jewish Historical Society of British Colombia members receive a discount.
Jennifer Yuhasz, MAS Archivist of the Jewish Museum & Archives of British Colombia, is the presenter.
Have you ever wondered what to do with all those old family photographs that are stored in drawers, shoe boxes, falling apart photo albums? Did you know that putting photographs into albums can actually do more damage than good? Here is your chance to discover and learn from a professional archivist how to save your family photos for future generations. Bring your photos and negatives to the museum and join us for a hands-on session.
To reserve a seat, send an email.
For Jewish genealogists in the Vancouver area, here's some good news:
The Jewish Museum and Archives of British Columbia, together with the Jewish Genealogical Institute of British Columbia have announced that subscription databases ancestry.com, findmypast.com, and footnote.com, are now available free of charge in the Nemetz Jewish Community Archives Reference Room, during normal operating hours of the Museum & Archives. There is a nominal charge for photocopies, and researchers must make an appointment (two-hour time blocks) to access the databases.
For those who need assistance, JHIBC mavens are available to help on some Sundays, 1-4pm, by appointment.
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