It seems I just returned from Hong Kong and Australia, and am already planning my conference travel, and additional talks.
On Sunday, June 6, I will be speaking on trends, resources and recent discoveries in Sephardic, Converso and Bnai Anousim research at the next meeting of the Jewish Genealogical Society of the Conejo Valley and Ventura County.
The program begins at 1.30pm at Temple Adat Elohim, 2420 E. Hillcrest Drive, Thousand Oaks, California.
The discussion will include current trends and recent discoveries in Sephardic Judaism, current information on Hispanics with Jewish roots in several Southwestern states and available resources for those interested in tracking their families back through the centuries.
The topic of "hidden Jews" has been of particular interest since I was in junior high school and discovered a copy of Cecil Roth's "The History of the Marranos," before most people knew the word was pejorative.
Sephardic genealogy has made major strides recently in terms of databases, archival disoveries, books, papers and journals.
I'm interested in meeting Tracing the Tribe's readers, and would like to welcome you at the meeting.
There is no charge to attend this program. For more information, email president Jan Meisels Allen.
I'll be sure to pass this along to the Houston Sephardic community.