Breaking bread with experts at themed early-morning breakfasts is always a popular activity at the annual Jewish genealogy conferences.
Because the team at the 30th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy - JGSLA 2010 - knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it has scheduled 13 special sessions over the conference week, July 11-16.
You have to eat breakfast anyway - or should - so why not also interact with experts in diverse areas? Breakfasts are fee-added items.
Readers will note that I'll appear with my esteemed colleagues Thomas MacEntee and Lisa Louise Cooke on Monday, June 12, at our breakfast session on social media and blogging. We're looking forward to meeting our readers and others who want to learn about what we do and why it is good for genealogy.
Here's the complete list:
Click here to read the details, search for "breakfasts," and scroll to the day and time for more information. Some breakfasts ($28 each) begin at 8am, some at 7am, so make sure to note that in your calendars.MONDAY, June 12
-- "Only Connect!" - Social Networking & Blogging for Genealogists: Lisa Louise Cooke, Thomas MacEntee, Schelly Talalay Dardashti
-- Eureka! Finding Californians: Los Angeles and Statewide Research: Mara Fein
-- Jews,Genes and Genetics & Unlocking the Medical Secrets in Your Family Tree: Adele Schneider, Gary Frolich
TUESDAY, June 13
-- From Russia With Love: A Report on the Archives of the Former Soviet Union: Benjamin Nathans
-- Israeli Research: Past, Present and Future: Rony Golan, Michael Goldstein
-- Alexander the Great & The Life of Brian: Galician & Ukrainian Research and Travel: Alexander Denysenko, Brian J. Lenius
-- From Bratislava to Budapest to Bucharest: Travel & Research in Slovakia, Romania & Hungary: Vivian Kahn, Beth Long, Rony Golan
-- How To Do Genealogy Research In Poland – And How Not To: The Potential and Pitfalls: Anna Przybyszewska Drozd, Yale J. Reisner
-- Outlaws & Outliers: Black Sheep & Family Skeleton Experts Share Their Research Secrets! Ron Arons, Steve LuxenbergTHURSDAY, June 15
-- A Baltic Road Map - Travel & Research in Lithuania and Latvia: Howard Margol, Aldona Sudeikiene
-- No Stone Unturned - Furthering Your Holocaust Research: Lisa Yavnai, Zvi Bernhardt, Stephen Smith
-- People of the Book: Expert Advice on Writing Newsletters, Memoirs and Family Histories: Lil Blume, Mike Karsen, Marlis Humphrey
FRIDAY, June 16
-- The Global Jewish Genealogical Community: What does the 21st century have in store for the Jewish researcher? Warren Blatt, Ruth Behar
For all conference information, click here.
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