Tracing the Tribe just received a press release from Sand Dune Books about its line of 15 "Between me and you - A few things I've been meaning to ask" journals to give to, and be completed by, mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings and significant others.
Sand Dune says that these books might "help us all get just a little bit closer to the people we care about while having fun at the same time." The company's president, Winston Simmonds Jr., developed the series because he wanted to have something personal and meaningful from his own parents, who responded enthusiastically when they received his hand-made version.
Although I haven't seen one yet (maybe I'll see them on my trip), they seem like a good way to get started on the path to family history and the price - $14.95 plus shipping - won't break anyone's bank. They are spiral-bound with no page numbers and have blank pages for adding additional questions or photos.
Current titles (more are planned) are "Between Me and You MOM a few things Iʼve been meaning to ask" also comes in versions for DAD, GRANDMA, GRANDPA, HONEY, GIRL, SISTER, BROTHER, DAUGHTER, SON, AUNT, UNCLE and FAMILY REUNION. There are also MAMA and PAPA versions in Spanish.
MOM questions - Simmonds says GRANDMA and GRANDPA questions are similar - include:
-- When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?According to the press release,
-- Tell me about the first time you met Dad.
-- Was there anything that I did while growing up that reminded you of yourself as a child?
-- How do you think we are different?
-- What are your favorite memories of your mother? Of your father?
-- What are your memories of the day I was born?
-- Did you have and role models when you were a teen? Who were they?
Guess what! Our parents were real people and actually had real lives before they had us. And let's face it. We all keep meaning to ask them about some of their teen experiences or childhood relationships or even questions about ourselves and most times never quite get around to it. How fun and enlightening would it be to have a journal containing their handwritten responses to all of those questions youʼve been meaning to ask for years.The books are in gift and card shops or can be ordered online at the link above. There's also a nice discount if you buy two or more - see the website link above.
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