08 July 2009

Blogspot vs Wordpress: Some stats

Chris Dunham - The Genealogue and the Genealogy Blog Finder - has published some stats related to his blog finder database.

He notes the increase of Wordpress, but doesn't attribute a reason: "The most interesting change I see is the increased use of WordPress, which has increased (as a percentage of new blogs added) almost tenfold since last year."

One reason, in my opinion, may have been the Blogger fiasco of last year where thousands of blogs were marked falsely as spam and it took time to fix that major problem.

Tracing the Tribe set up a mirror site on Wordpress to enable continued reader access. When I posted about my solution; other geneabloggers followed suit.

Another reason may have been the recent Blogger-IE 6,7,8 problem in which readers using Internet Explorer had trouble viewing Blogger sites; the technical problem did not impact Wordpress blogs.

Once again, Tracing the Tribe reactivated its Wordpress site due to this problem.

Here are some of Chris' stats:

142 blogs (10%) updated in the last two days
329 blogs (24%) updated in the last week
547 blogs (40%) updated in the last month
926 blogs (67%) updated in the last six months
1096 blogs (79%) updated in the last year
861 blogs (62%) on (free) "blogspot.com"
131 blogs (9%) on (free) "wordpress.com"
70% of blogs abandoned pre-2008 on "blogspot.com"
7% of blogs abandoned post-2008 on "wordpress.com"
1% of blogs don't syndicate content/or unusable feed
928 blogs (67%) have a geographical location assigned
444 blogs (32%) have "Genealogy" in the title
2 blogs have "Genealogue" in the title
See Chris' complete post here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Question: Does anyone know the Tribe of Rahm Emanuel, Chief of Staff for U.S. President Obama?
