15 January 2009

Twitter: Learning yet another language!

Twitter is all the rage these days. A bunch of geneabloggers are now listed in the #Genealogy category. I've been reading email alerts from people who are following me on Twitter and decided to check it out.

I don't exactly understand it yet - being a complete non-techie. However, Tracing the Tribe is now signed on, so others with more understanding can follow the blog.

While looking around for a simple Twitter badge (see my "follow me" badge at right), I found this neat site with a range of colorful yet simple graphics. If you'd like to see the others and generate your own, click TwitterMySite.com.

The next thing I need to do is learn how to get new posts added onto Tracing the Tribe's Twitter page.

Look for an upcoming post (being prepared right now) providing articles and resources to help newbies understand this new media. If I can understand these sources, hints and tips, anyone can!

Tracing the Tribe readers are invited to chime in with their own Twitter experiences and tips.


  1. I love your Twitter "Follow me" banner. I'm going to have to get one of those! I'm trying to remember to use Twitter too. I don't have much need for it---but I'll keep giving it a try. Thanks for the info.

  2. Welcome to Twitter, Schelly! I love your blog and have subscribed for a few years--and now look forward to following you on Twitter too.

    You'll love it--hang in there past the first week when it didn't make sense to any of us either. But soon it will "click," and you'll love it.

    I'm going to RT (that's twitterese for "retweet" your tweet re helping you figure out how to post your blog updates on Twitter. I use a different platform for my blog so I don't know how to do it in Blogger, but it can definitely be done; many tweeps [Twitter people] use Blogger, so you'll get a quick response.

    Another tip for you: go to www. tweetlater.com and set up alerts for words such as "genealogy," etc. You'll get emails each day with tweets that day that mention "genealogy." You can then start following those people, and they'll begin following you. That's a good way to grow your list of followers with people who are interested in the same things as you are.

    Welcome to the Twitterverse!

    Diana Scimone
    PS: My Twitter name is @DianaScimone -- follow me if you'd like!

  3. Thanks, Diana. I will definitely check out the resources mentioned, and add to my alerts with tweetlater.

  4. Hi, Becky. Thanks for writing. It took me some time to do Facebook (Thomas MacEntee is very persuasive!), but my Twitter grab was much quicker. Wonder what the next media idea will be? "They" say learning new things keeps our brains young. At this rate, I'll be six months old in a short time!
