29 November 2006

Ancestry extends free immigration access


You can relax now if you've been working feverishly to search through the new Ancestry.com passenger records before free access ends in a few days.

The company just announced that the free access I wrote about has been extended through December 31 as a result of "overwhelming response" from researchers around the world.

So, take a deep breath and continue with your searching.


  1. I like your blog, useful and filled with some good resources.

    Regarding Ancestry.com, and passenger records, they are free on ellisilsand.org, anyone can go to EllisIsland and obtain the information for free, and/or purchase a certificate...for a keepsake. But, the immigration information is free on their site, including ship name, date of entry, etc.

  2. Hi, Lorri

    The problem with Ellis Island's Database, while free, is that many transcriptions were hopelessly mangled and make it impossible to find the correct individuals you'd like to find.

    To help find the names you really want to find, use Steve Morse's One-Step pages, at www.stevemorse.org. Steve's newest one-step tool is the Gold Page.

