23 November 2007

New Blogs: Gen-erocity and Techtraveler

Genealogist Howard Wolinsky is a writer for the Chicago Sun-Times. He's had an interest in DNA and genetic genealogy for years and was one of the first people tested at Family Tree DNA.

His interests include technology, travel, photography, genealogy and genetics, and this past summer, he finally took a roots trip with his family.

Howard has now developed two blogs: Gen-erocity.net focuses on DNA and genealogy, while techtraveler.net provides information on tech you can take - gadgets and equipment - to make traveling and connection easier whether we're going only a few miles or to the other side of the planet.

In his first Gen-erocity.net entry, he writes:

Back in 2000, I was among the first to pay to have my DNA tested for genealogical reasons. Some of you may know me as Kit No. 65 at Family Tree DNA.

My only goal was tracking roots, sometimes very deep roots going back to Africa, where this whole modern human enterprise began tens of thousands of years ago.

It's been fascinating. I have learned a little bit about genetics and in recent years have started to match people with whom I shared a grandparent thousands, even hundreds, of years ago.

I wanted a sense of where my family came from, to trace the migratory pattern from Africa, through ancient Palestine, maybe Italy and Germany and then a right turn onto Lithuania, Latvia and Ukraine and eventually on to the USA.

I have met and become friends with a number of people who share this interest, some might say an obsession, along with some common genes.

Welcome to the club, Howard!

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to track my mother's family after seing several pictures of them. In the pictures they all look jewish-- my mother never told me anything about her mother who died when she was 3 years old -- around 1920. My granmother came from Austria -- Wienna--Anna Fuchsreiter -- married in Denmark--Anna Cordes.Some of my relatives have tried to find out about it about 30 years ago-in Bergtesgarten, as Anna Cordes' sister lived there -- but were unable to get further back than to my granmother. My question is: How do I find out-- and where -- if I'm of jewish origin? Since childhood I've been very interestet in jewish litterature and read much about the KZ camps since I was 12 and never put a question mark to that until recently. Could you perhaps help me to find out what to do to go further in my investigation?
    Grethe Petersen
    Skolegade 44 L
    8600 Silkeborg
    Mail: yssenster@gmail.com
