09 April 2007

Make your own Roots TV

Roots Television is an independent media company set up by national media producer Marcy Brown and professional genealogist Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak.

It has just received a major overhaul, adding 20 channels and, as a genealogist's answer to online video, a RootsTube section.

A "Wild Roots!" contest is also being sponsored - you can win $500 as you flaunt your roots. International genealogists can share their sleuthing, reunion mishaps, cemetery explorations, interviews, old country trips, or your local society’s monthly program.

The instructions on how to do this seem easy enough, and according to the press release:

"Viewers are invited to tell the world about the craziest thing they ever did in their quest to learn about their heritage. Did you accidentally pull an all-nighter at your computer? Did you cross a field with a bull in it to get to an old cemetery? Did you purposely get yourself locked into a library overnight? If so, we want to hear about it.

"You can tell your tale directly to the camera, re-enact it, animate it, use hand puppets or whatever appeals to you. Do it by yourself or with your sister, research buddies, fellow society members, or that 6th cousin of yours in New Zealand.

"On May 15, 2007, Roots Television will select and announce the winner of the Wild Roots! contest."

There's lots to choose from, and I'm looking forward to seeing submissions from Tracing the Tribe's readers. Roots Television is looking for programming focusing on all areas of family history and for researchers of all levels.

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